This is my little corner of the internet to share my crafts and my life adventures.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Bella couldn't wait for Christmas
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Card pack.
I wanted to make something for my hair dresser. I put 4 different cards in the bag and made a cute topper for it. She loved it!

I used the Create A Critter cartridge. I cut the penguin at 3in. Instead of cutting the scarft I decided to use this super soft yarn I found at the Dollar Tree several months ago. I really like using the oversized googly eyes on these cute critters.

I used the Create A Critter cartridge. I cut the penguin at 3in. Instead of cutting the scarft I decided to use this super soft yarn I found at the Dollar Tree several months ago. I really like using the oversized googly eyes on these cute critters.
Goody Bags for Christmas
I had a goody bag order to fill. They all have a big tootsie roll, 100 grand bar and a gift card. The reindeer and snowmen bags have the $10 gift cards and the cutsie penquins have the $50 gift cards.

The reindeer is from the Gypsy Wanderings cartridge that came on the Gypsy.

The snowmen are from the Hello Kitty Greetings cartridge cut at 3-1/4.

The penguin is from my favorite cartridge Create A Critter.
The reindeer is from the Gypsy Wanderings cartridge that came on the Gypsy.
The snowmen are from the Hello Kitty Greetings cartridge cut at 3-1/4.
The penguin is from my favorite cartridge Create A Critter.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
My Biggest Loser Journey - week 1

Week 1 is OVER!!!
What have I gotten myself into? I have never worked with a trainer before so this is a new experience for me. I seriously didn't think I would make it through the first night let alone all three nights.
When I woke up Wednesday morning I was thinking I was thankful I didn't have to work but HELLO THURSDAY!!! Oh my goodness, I could barely MOVE! Then came the stairs at work. 30 very painful steps! I am so glad I could provide entertainment for my co-workers! They were laughing while I was crying and begging for a slide to go
We weighed in Monday night. I lost two pounds since my surgery 14months ago. Add those two pounds back and that is the heaviest I have ever been. *sigh* My goal is to loose 90-100lbs.
Three nights a week for an hour. I don't know if I can do this. Our trainer, Mike, promises it will get easier we just have to hang in there. I don't believe
On to week two!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
My Biggest Loser Journey

About three months ago I changed massage theropists. Come to find out we went to school together...small world. I was a freshman and she was a senior and we were on the volleyball team together.
Her practice is in a gym and I had made comment about how I wished I could get motivated to work out like when I was living in Cali. I have gained about 50lbs since I moved back to Oregon and I feel miserable. Dee said "Hey, we should see if one of the guys here could train us". Silly me "sure that sounds great". Open mouth...insert foot!!
Guess what we are signed up for? You got it!!!
We start next week....NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
~*~My Sweet Angel~*~
On November 7th 2010 at 8:20am my Sweet Angel went to the Rainbow Bridge to play with Missy (her fur-mom), Wicket, Blizkin and Apache.

Angel's story...
In 1992 Missy came to live with me. Her family could not keep her and my husband said he wanted to bring her home to me to keep me company while he was deployed. Three years later while my husband was going to recruiter school I went to stay with my parents until we transfered. While at my parents home Missy and Rowdy hooked up :-). In the mean time we transfered to our new duty station in Montana. Missy's kidneys were shutting down because of the pregnancy. Twice we had to take her to the vet to rehidrate her. The vet said she was only carrying one puppy but that they did not think that puppy would make it because of all the toxins building up in her body and in turn building up in the puppies little body. Then on July 16th 1995 at 4:40am she had this little black ball. 24hrs later Missy was gone leaving us with this little one, about the size of a hamster, to take care of. She was all black with just little wisps of white hair on her chest that looked like wings. The vet again didn't think she would make it because not many fur babies make it without a mother to take care of them. It was a challage for sure. Back then America wasn't as "animal oriented" as we are now so it wasn't as easy to find formula and bottles, but we maganged. Every 2hrs or less I had to feed her with an eye dropper. At night she would curl up in my hair on my left shoulder and sleep. We just took it day by day and prayed we could help her grow strong. She kept growing and proving the vet wrong. From eye dropper feedings it went to grinding up hard food and mixing it with formula and letting her eat it off my finger. Eyes still closed she would climb all over and under things. It was the funniest thing to watch. She would go under the couch and come out with dust bunnies. At day 7 her eyes opened and they were the prettiest shade of lavendar. A few months after that we discovered she had padella lux in her back legs. She had to have surgery on them to try and correct them. While growing she had carried her legs under her so, like a human baby, her bones being soft started hardening and growing a bit bent. We had to wait until she got bigger so the pins wouldn't be bigger than her little bones. The surgury worked but now her back legs were very bent and it was hard for her to walk. A few weeks after that the pins started coming out so it was back into surgury to take the pins out. Luckily the bones had healed enough and they just left them out. Even with crippled legs she never let that stop her and she went where she wanted just as fast as those little legs could carry her. About 7yrs ago, while we were living in California, she had this horrible cough. I thought I was going to loose her. The xray showed she had a collapsing wind pipe, a thin skull, a curved spine because of her legs and she had scared lungs. The vet was amazed she was doing as well as she was. We managed that problem pretty well over the years. Two years ago she had only four teeth left that were absessing and desparately needed pulled. The vet, a very caring lady here in Oregon, said we had to get them pulled or the poisons would wear her down but she was also very concerned she wouldn't make it through the surgury because of her advanced collapsing wind pipe. She made no promises and said she would do her best to get them out as fast as she could and get her awake from the anethesia. To our amazement she made it though with flying colors. She just never let anything stop her. She was like the engergizer bunny...she kept going and going and going!
Angel was there through my husband's deployments, sad times, fun times, for my miscarrages, during the end of my marriage as it got abusive, after my marriage ended, moving around as we tried to find our way in this world and when I had my hysterectomy because of cancer and the pain I felt knowing I would never have children. She loved and snuggled with me. Every day she loved me no matter what was going on. She gave the best loves and always knew when I needed it the most.
About three years ago Bella came to live with us. Because her current family was moving they couldn't keep her. We were her fifth family and forever family. In the beginning they were not to sure of eachother. As the days go by they became loving little sisters. When Angel would have a coughing fit Bella would go sit with her and lick her little nose. They had thier own special bond that was so cute. Like me, Bella misses her dear sweet sister.

For a Puppy that was never suppose to be born she sure proved them all wrong.
15 years, 3 months and 21 days she loved us all and I loved her.
My arms and my heart ache for my sweet girl who loved me unconditionally.
Mommy loves you my Sweet Little Angel!!
~*~Rainbow Bridge~*~
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, exept for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your hear.
Then, you cross Rainbow Bridge together...
Until we are together again my sweet Little Angel. Mommy loves you and misses you!!!
Angel's story...
In 1992 Missy came to live with me. Her family could not keep her and my husband said he wanted to bring her home to me to keep me company while he was deployed. Three years later while my husband was going to recruiter school I went to stay with my parents until we transfered. While at my parents home Missy and Rowdy hooked up :-). In the mean time we transfered to our new duty station in Montana. Missy's kidneys were shutting down because of the pregnancy. Twice we had to take her to the vet to rehidrate her. The vet said she was only carrying one puppy but that they did not think that puppy would make it because of all the toxins building up in her body and in turn building up in the puppies little body. Then on July 16th 1995 at 4:40am she had this little black ball. 24hrs later Missy was gone leaving us with this little one, about the size of a hamster, to take care of. She was all black with just little wisps of white hair on her chest that looked like wings. The vet again didn't think she would make it because not many fur babies make it without a mother to take care of them. It was a challage for sure. Back then America wasn't as "animal oriented" as we are now so it wasn't as easy to find formula and bottles, but we maganged. Every 2hrs or less I had to feed her with an eye dropper. At night she would curl up in my hair on my left shoulder and sleep. We just took it day by day and prayed we could help her grow strong. She kept growing and proving the vet wrong. From eye dropper feedings it went to grinding up hard food and mixing it with formula and letting her eat it off my finger. Eyes still closed she would climb all over and under things. It was the funniest thing to watch. She would go under the couch and come out with dust bunnies. At day 7 her eyes opened and they were the prettiest shade of lavendar. A few months after that we discovered she had padella lux in her back legs. She had to have surgery on them to try and correct them. While growing she had carried her legs under her so, like a human baby, her bones being soft started hardening and growing a bit bent. We had to wait until she got bigger so the pins wouldn't be bigger than her little bones. The surgury worked but now her back legs were very bent and it was hard for her to walk. A few weeks after that the pins started coming out so it was back into surgury to take the pins out. Luckily the bones had healed enough and they just left them out. Even with crippled legs she never let that stop her and she went where she wanted just as fast as those little legs could carry her. About 7yrs ago, while we were living in California, she had this horrible cough. I thought I was going to loose her. The xray showed she had a collapsing wind pipe, a thin skull, a curved spine because of her legs and she had scared lungs. The vet was amazed she was doing as well as she was. We managed that problem pretty well over the years. Two years ago she had only four teeth left that were absessing and desparately needed pulled. The vet, a very caring lady here in Oregon, said we had to get them pulled or the poisons would wear her down but she was also very concerned she wouldn't make it through the surgury because of her advanced collapsing wind pipe. She made no promises and said she would do her best to get them out as fast as she could and get her awake from the anethesia. To our amazement she made it though with flying colors. She just never let anything stop her. She was like the engergizer bunny...she kept going and going and going!
Angel was there through my husband's deployments, sad times, fun times, for my miscarrages, during the end of my marriage as it got abusive, after my marriage ended, moving around as we tried to find our way in this world and when I had my hysterectomy because of cancer and the pain I felt knowing I would never have children. She loved and snuggled with me. Every day she loved me no matter what was going on. She gave the best loves and always knew when I needed it the most.
About three years ago Bella came to live with us. Because her current family was moving they couldn't keep her. We were her fifth family and forever family. In the beginning they were not to sure of eachother. As the days go by they became loving little sisters. When Angel would have a coughing fit Bella would go sit with her and lick her little nose. They had thier own special bond that was so cute. Like me, Bella misses her dear sweet sister.
For a Puppy that was never suppose to be born she sure proved them all wrong.
15 years, 3 months and 21 days she loved us all and I loved her.
My arms and my heart ache for my sweet girl who loved me unconditionally.
Mommy loves you my Sweet Little Angel!!
~*~Rainbow Bridge~*~
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, exept for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your hear.
Then, you cross Rainbow Bridge together...
Until we are together again my sweet Little Angel. Mommy loves you and misses you!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Create-A-Critter Pumpkin Halloween Cards
I found some great paper at Craft Warehouse today for my Halloween cards and I used my favorite cartridge...Create-A-Critter!

Create-A-Critter - pumpkin cut at 2-1/2 and 1-3/4
Wild Card - Happy Halloween words I think cut at 4-1/2
Black, Orange and Green cardstock
Patterned paper is by Reminisce, Enchanted Autumn-Summer Fading
Green ribbon.
Googly eyes
Real leaves I got from a Guy I work with. His girls picked them up off the ground and then spray painted them for me. I have had them for several months now and finally got a chance to use them. Can't wait to find a something to make with the big leaves.
Thank you for visiting my blog and Happy Haloween.
Create-A-Critter - pumpkin cut at 2-1/2 and 1-3/4
Wild Card - Happy Halloween words I think cut at 4-1/2
Black, Orange and Green cardstock
Patterned paper is by Reminisce, Enchanted Autumn-Summer Fading
Green ribbon.
Googly eyes
Real leaves I got from a Guy I work with. His girls picked them up off the ground and then spray painted them for me. I have had them for several months now and finally got a chance to use them. Can't wait to find a something to make with the big leaves.
Thank you for visiting my blog and Happy Haloween.
create a critter,
cricut expression,
Halloween card
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Christmas Invitations
I have an order for 200 Christmas card invitations. I made up three different sample for them to choose from.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hello Kitty Birthday Card
A friend needed a birthday card for her neice and this is what I came up with. I think it turned out cute and they liked it.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Halloween Cards - Card Exchange
I have a card swap next week and thought since Halloween is basically around the corner I would make Halloween cards.
Little bat dressed up...
Bat with envelope...
Hello Kitty Greetings - Bat card cut at 3-3/4
Black card stock from Michaels.
Shimmery purple card stock from a 12x12 paper pack I think from Walmart.
Googly eyes mix pack from Dollar Tree.
Silver gel pen.
I hope the ladies like them.
Thanks flying by...have a great day!!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Mini M&M Goodie Bags
A friend is starting a stamp club that starts next week. Each month one lady will show how to do a little project. I get to show the first project. It will be little goodie bags like the prior post. They will get to choose from a bumble bee or a lady bug.
I wanted to make little goodie bags to hand out to the ladies attending that evening and this is what I came up with.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Goodie Bag
I made some goodies for my sister for her birthday. Which was last month so I am a little late!! It has two beaded bracelets and a sun catcher she can hang in her car. Unfortunatly I have misplaced my camera but once I find it I will post the pictures. This one was taken with my cell phone so it isn't the best. I love the huge googly eyes. I was going to use smaller ones but I just loved the big ones.

I used my favorite cartridge...Create-a-Critter! I cut the little bumble bee at 4".
The paper size is 4.25" by I think 5".
Martha Stewart punch around the page - scallops.

I used my favorite cartridge...Create-a-Critter! I cut the little bumble bee at 4".
The paper size is 4.25" by I think 5".
Martha Stewart punch around the page - scallops.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Creative Block
It's been a while sinc eI posted anything new (other than crafts from years past). Do you ever have a complete creative block?! Every time I have sat down to do something I just sit there and stare at all my supplies and wind up getting up and doing something other than craft. Finally Thursday night after bead club I had the "tingle". Came home and made three bracelets for some ladies at work but forgot to take pictures.
My Cousin is comeing over this afternoon so I can show her how to make the bracelet from bead class last month. Maybe that "tingle" will be back. I sure hope so because at bead clubThursday night they have a challenge. They gave us a bag of beads and earring wires and we have to make a pair of earrings. They can be of any style and you can use more than what is in the baggie but you have to at least use what was in the baggie. I think it will be fun to see what everyone comes up with!
Thanks for stopping by. Time to head to Wal*mart! I had to wait for payday so I am hoping they still have the Handy Man cricut cart. I work at a modular building manufacturer and I KNOW it will get LOTS OF USE!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!!
My Cousin is comeing over this afternoon so I can show her how to make the bracelet from bead class last month. Maybe that "tingle" will be back. I sure hope so because at bead clubThursday night they have a challenge. They gave us a bag of beads and earring wires and we have to make a pair of earrings. They can be of any style and you can use more than what is in the baggie but you have to at least use what was in the baggie. I think it will be fun to see what everyone comes up with!
Thanks for stopping by. Time to head to Wal*mart! I had to wait for payday so I am hoping they still have the Handy Man cricut cart. I work at a modular building manufacturer and I KNOW it will get LOTS OF USE!!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!!!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Baby Blankets & matching Christmas Stockings
Here are a couple Baby blankets I made and matching Christmas stockings.

This set was made for a friend up in Washington for her little Girl. The blanket was so easy but seemed like it took forever. SC, DC, SC, DC the entire blanket but it made it bumpy and super soft. I had extra yarn from her blanket and I had just made up a bunch of stockings for a craft fair that was coming up and that gave me the idea to make a matching one.

This set was made for a friend up in Washington for her little Girl. The blanket was so easy but seemed like it took forever. SC, DC, SC, DC the entire blanket but it made it bumpy and super soft. I had extra yarn from her blanket and I had just made up a bunch of stockings for a craft fair that was coming up and that gave me the idea to make a matching one.

This set I made for another friend up in Washington for her first child. Again, I had extra yarn left over from his blanket. I met the most wonderful people while stationed up there. Love and miss them alot!!
Crocheted Crafts
I have been meaning to post some pictures of some of my crochet projects. I designed this Christmas Stocking pattern while we were stationed in Missoula, Montana back in 1996. I have made these with everything from crochet thread (about seven inches) to three strands of yarn (about four feet).
I made this set for my Mom and the doggies. Smaller set is single strand yarn. Bigger set is double strand yarn. I think my all time favorite set is the set I made for a friend several years ago for Christmas. Julie always decorated in red, white and silver. So I made her a set of four red and the toe, heal & ruffle was in white. On the little ruffle part of the lace I crocheted in little silver beads and the kids I crocheted in little bells. I never got a picture of it but they were my favorite!! And then I got little heart shaped dog tags and had thier names on them. Mom and Dad with the year of thier wedding and the kids had thier names on them and the year they were born.
This set is made of thread. The little black one I tucked little bone buttons in it for Angel
This is not them but one year for Christmas all Mom wanted was mini stockings. I made 12 of them. They all had white ruffles and then I made lights and darks...dark blue & light blue, rose & red, light light sage & dark sage, Hmmm...I don't remember all the colors but you get the picture. They looked so cute hanging all over the tree. Maybe this year I will have to take a picture of them all over the tree. When I crochet baby blankets if I have extra yarn I always make them a little stocking to match. I made 25 in one year so I could crochet them in my sleep!!!
Pearl Bracelet
I finally remembered to take my camera out of the car. This is the bracelet I made at bead class last Wednesday.
Monday, May 31, 2010
MPS Challenge - Father's Day
My Pink Stamper has a Father's Day challenge. The prize?? A brand new Cricut Expression!! Woooo Hooooo.
I had a complete creative block the entire weekend and, of course, I get going and it is bed time. Why do I have to work? Oh ya, to support my habit...LOL.
Cricut - Create A Critter
Seahorse cut at 3 (I think, it is late)
Purple, Green & White Cardstock
Light Purple and the White tummy are shimmery paper from The Paper Zone
Bubble paper is from the Nana's Kids paper pack
Martha Stewart's punch around the page Shells I think.
Can't wait to make more. I cut 5 seahorses so I can make four more to sell. Probably "HELLO" or some other wording. I just think it turned our really cute. I might make a few in blue. I absolutely love the Create A Critter cartridge and can't wait to buy My Pink Stamper's punny-lisous stamp set. Ok...well, I guess it is time to head to bed so I can go to work in the morning. Five hours of sleep will have to do. :-)
Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a Wonderful Week!!!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Swarovski Bracelets
Took a class the other night at Craft Warehouse on how to make this beaded bracelet. I had to tear apart the one I made in class because I didn't like the clasp they used. I like the toggles better. Here are the two revamped ones I made later that night.

8mm BC Rose, 8mm Clear and 3mm BC Crystal AB. I didn't have the 3mm clear so used what I had.

6mm BC 2ABX Peridot, 6mm and 4mm BC White Opal.
I have a bunch of Swarovski pearls that I think I am going to try and use the same pattern with. I might have to tweek it a little because of the shape.
8mm BC Rose, 8mm Clear and 3mm BC Crystal AB. I didn't have the 3mm clear so used what I had.
6mm BC 2ABX Peridot, 6mm and 4mm BC White Opal.
I have a bunch of Swarovski pearls that I think I am going to try and use the same pattern with. I might have to tweek it a little because of the shape.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Golfer Birthday Card
Someone from work needed a birthday card for thier Father who will be 92 years young on Monday. His Dad loves to play golf. He can only play about three holes now but still loves golf. This is the card I came up with.
Cricut - Every Day Paper Dolls
Golfer guy cut at 3 1/2
Golf bag cut at 7 I think
White & sage cardstock
plaid paper is from All About Boys stack
Grass paper is just from my paper stash
Here is the link on how to fold the front of the card to make the pockets. It was really easy.
Birthday card,
cricut expression,
everyday paper dolls,
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